Monday, March 3, 2008

A Truly Wonderful Day in Steamboat

Today was a truly amazing day. I woke up in Steamboat, called Brad Arland for free using my Vonage phone, and then hung out with my good buddies Bern and Pearl. Then I headed out to the slopes for a beautiful sunny day of skiing. When I returned we had a wonderful dinner for Pearl's birthday and then went out afterwards for drinks and some jammin music, songs from bands I had only recently heard of like The Dave Mathews Band and The Who. After a stellar day like this, I thought nothing could make it any better. But then I opened the door to my hotel room and look at what I saw (see photo I took). I knew the night had only just begun...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Check Out My New Jdate Photo

Hey Guys, check out my new Jdate photo I just took tonite on the ski trip I am on. Another Steppin' Out Adventures adventure. I am goin for the "sketchy Halloween axe-murderer" look in the photo, something a little different for Jdate. Let me know what you think. I'll be on the Vonage phone that I use when I go out of town all week, so call me cuz I have it hooked up to the in-room internet so it's free. Now if I just could have talked Bernstein in to bringin his Wii...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Check It Out, I'm Rappin' Out With 2 Chick Cops

I am the most proud of this photo. I was dressed as a pot head one night (hence the pot on my head), and these two officers tried to harass me, but I have so much mojo that I was able to start rappin out with these chicks and even got the one on the left's phone number. I tried to call her a few days later but that was around the time that Vonage went out of business, so the call wouldn't go through. Either that or she gave me a fake number. I really want to roll with these chicks. Newman out...

Yo Newmy, We Can't Wait For You to See This Site!

Jeff, We can't wait to see you here in Steamboat. We also can't wait for you to finally discover this website. I guess you might think twice next time you order stamps with peoples faces on them. And by the way, Robin likes me best...

